2024 BG LIFT CWE 525 for sale

Price: POA
BG Lift CWE 525 Crawler Crane - 15T Capacity The best possible union between Power and Performance combined to an incredible Compactness, unimaginable until today.The light dimensions and the millimetric movements manoeuvrability allow to operate in extremely Narrow spaces, normally inaccessible to other cranes of the same class. Every Function Under Control: The multifunction proportional radio control provided with an integrated control display, permits as well to verify in real time all the parameters of the machine. No Limits Rotation: The removable Ballast mounted on the Chassis permits the continuous ???in shape??? Rotation. Sloping Stabilization: The outriggers of CWE 525 Range, Provided With Cross Beams System, confer to the Crane Chassis an incomparable torsion resistance always keeping extremely Compact the machine Dimensions in rest position.The outriggers cylinders, solid with extended stroke, Simplify the Crane Endurance on strongly steep grounds. Transport & Rough Terrain: The generous ground clearance angle permit to load the machine as well on truck with short ramps; simplifying the manoeuvres and optimizing loading time. Outrigger/Load Configuration Management: CWE 525 is Built with very low barycentres which, combined to the Cross Beams Geometry, Permit to develop the full power and cover heavy and voluminous loads (Machines Tools and other) operating close to the load in reduced spaces and heights. The integrated control system give to the Crane infinite Stabilization possibilities, Automatically upgrading the load limiting device to the situation determined by the position of each outriggers; permitting the operator to completely work in safety conditions and, simultaneously, setting configurations unthinkable until today. Fly-Jib Boom Angle: The second Articulated Telescopic Boom and the Hydraulic Jib have angular operating system respectively of 15?? and 20?? Over the Horizontal alignment of the boom.This situation allow to operate inside buildings and give the possibility to overcome obstacles such as lofts, front door and Beams.
Title2024 BG LIFT CWE 525
Listing TypeNew
Stock Number1009568

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Monitor Lifts

9 Brumby Street

Seven Hills, NSW

Monitor Lifts